Romain de Courcy is the Ritz Bar’s director in Paris. He makes us two cocktails, one with mint and neutral alcohol and the second with raspberry and eau de vie.
Tag Archives: mint
Lucio D’orsi: Dry Martini (Sorrento)
Lucio D’orsi is the General Manager of Dry Martini in Sorrento. He makes us two cocktails, one with Gin and Sherry and the second with Whisky and Ginger Droplets.
Martina Bonci: Gucci in Giardino 25 (Florence)
Martina Bonci is the Bar Manager at Gucci in Giardino 25 in Florence. She makes us two cocktails, one with Gin and Yuzu Sake and the second with Tequila and Ancho Reyes.
Dom Carella: Carico (Milan)
Ludovica Massucci: The Court (Rome)
Demie Kim: Alice Cheongdam (Seoul)
Demie Kim is the head bartender at Alice Cheongdam in Seoul. He makes us two cocktails, one with Gin and Octomore Solution and the second with Rum and Dry Persimmons.
Aaron Wall: Homeboy (London)
Jose Luis Leon: Licoreria Limantour (Mexico City)
Jose Luis Leon is the Bar Manager of Licoreria Limantour in Mexico City. He makes us two cocktails, one with Tequila and Taco Mix and the second with Gin and St Germain.
Nicolas Margeot: Carry Nation (Marseille)
Nicolas Margeot is the Bar Manager at Carry Nation in Marseille. He makes us two cocktails, one with Gin and Orange Flowers and the second with Rum and Maple Syrup.
Simon Kong: Lobster Bar in Shangri-La (Hong-Kong)
Simon Kong is a bartender at The Lobster Bar in the Shangri-la hotel, Hong Kong. He makes two cocktails for us, one with Rye Whisky and Cognac and the second with Pisco and Jasmine Tea.
Lilian Sausset: Papa Doble (Montpellier)
Lilian Sausset is the head bartender at Papa Doble in Montpellier. He makes two cocktails for us, one with Rye Whisky and Punt e Mes and the second with Amaretto and Absinthe.
Zac de Git: Crackerjack (Singapore)
Zac is the co-owner of Crackerjack in Singapore. He makes two cocktails for us, one with Rum and Mandarin and the second with Absinthe and Blood Peach.
Chiara Beretta : Rita (Milan)
Jennifer Le Nechet : Café Moderne (Paris)
Jennifer is a bartender at Café Moderne, Paris. She makes two cocktails for us, one with Rum and Suze and the second with Bourbon and Rye Whiskey.