Hadrien Moudoulaud is the co-founder of Bar Nouveau in Paris. He makes us two cocktails, one with Campari and Sweet Vermouth and the second with Awamori and Banana Cream.
Hadrien introduce yourself
My name is Hadrien Moudoulaud. My first job as a bartender was in a brasserie on the Champs Élysée, where I started to like the idea of mixing alcohol and flavour. I continued my journey in a high-volume cocktail bar for a few years, then a little time at Little Red Door, Bonhomie, and Mezcaleria and quickly in Greece and Belgium before deciding to stay for a year and a half in London at the Artesian Bar.
Back in Paris, I worked for a couple of years at Le Syndicat to finally decide to open with Sara, my twin sister, Remy Savage, and Marc Puzzuoli, our own bar. The name is Bar Nouveau, a bar inspired by a movement of art, l’Art Nouveau.
The classic you want to show us
Vintage Milano Torino
20ml of Cinzano Rosso 1960
20ml of Campari 1960
The bar you dream of
The bar of my dream will be a place where everything is based on the idea of creating an atmosphere where everyone feels free and happy.
What do you do in your time off
I don’t have a lot of time off since we opened the bar, but I like listening to music, reading a bit, seeing my friends, try to discover new things every day.
The spirit you like the most
I’m not sure if there is a spirit that I prefer to another, are so many differences even in the same spirit category, but if I have to pick one, it would be whisky, it is an alcohol having a structure that I understand and like
What makes a good cocktail
L’intransigence and sharing your idea with your friends to have a different point of view.
What ingredient do you enjoy using in cocktail
The one that I don’t know yet.
The signature cocktail you want to show us
30ml of Vodka
15ml of Awamori
10ml of Banana Tempus Fugit Cream
1 dash of Salt
Where do you think we need to go to interview another bartender
You should go to Le Syndicat in Paris, Baba au Rum in Athens and Wax On in Berlin.