Hutch is the co-owner with Yi Jun of No Sleep Club in Singapore. She makes us two cocktails, one with Absinthe and Cognac and the second with Hay and Whisky.
Tag Archives: sazerac
Thibault Mequignon: Danico (Paris)
Simone Onorati: The Gibson (London)
Simone Onorati is a bartender at The Gibson in London. He makes two cocktails for us, one with Rye Whisky and Cannabis and the second with Vodka and Spices.
Manolis Lykiardopoulos: Odori Vermuteria (Athens)
Manolis is the founder of Odori Vermuteria in Athens. He makes two cocktails for us, one with Rye Whiskey and Ouzo and the second with Tequila and Ginger Beer.
Romain Briset : Gravity (Paris)
Alberto Martinez : 1862 Dry Bar (Madrid)
Alberto, is the bar manager at 1862 Dry Bar, Madrid. He makes two cocktails for us, one is with rye and absinthe, and the second one is with Punt e mes and Campari
Johan Tufvesson : La Serre (Dubai)
Johan, is bartender at La Serre restaurant. He makes two cocktails for us, one with rye whiskey and sloe gin, the second with calvados and cognac
Julius Yates : Lobo Plantation (Sydney)
Julius is a bartender at Lobo Plantation, Sydney. He shows us 2 cocktails, one rye and rum based and the other one is just rum based
Ladislav Piljar (Lad) : Red Bar (London)
Lad is a bartender at Red Bar at Bam Bou, London. He shows us 2 cocktails, one is rye and cognac based and the other one is japanese whisky based