Thong Hoai is the head bartender of The Enigma Mansion in Saigon. He makes us two cocktails, one with Vodka and Triple Sec and the second with Chocolate waxed Whisky and Mayonnaise Liqueur
Tag Archives: drinks
Luciano Ferlito: Villa San Michele (Florence)
Luciano Ferlito is the Head Bartender of Villa San Michele in Florence. He makes us two cocktails, one with Gin and Herbal Infusion and the second with Vodka and Lillet Blanc.
Cristian Bugiada: La Punta (Rome)
Cristian Bugiada is a co-owner at La Punta Expendio de Agave, in Rome. He makes two cocktails for us, one with Tequila and Grapefruit Soda and the second with Tequila and Jalapeño Salt.
Paola Idda: Blue Bar at The Berkeley (London)
Paola Idda is a bartender at the Blue Bar in The Berkeley, in London. She makes two cocktails for us, one with Gin and Martini Bitter and the second with Rum and Visciolata Vinaigrette.